!!!###!!!title=143- How to set the maximum number of labels on the X and Y axes——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: How to set the maximum number of X-axis and Y-axis labels?</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!


How to set the maximum number of X-axis and Y-axis labels?

Problem Description

In the following chart, the labels on the x-axis are displayed quite densely. Can we limit the maximum number of labels? Make the x-axis labels look better visually, while all points on the line need to be displayed.


In VChart, the number of axis labels is affected by various configurations. There are two ways to limit the number of axis labels:

  • Set sampling to true so that sampling will be automatically performed according to the width of the labels.
  • Set tick.tickCount to specify the number of labels.

Code Examples

const spec = {
  type: 'line',
  data: {
    values: [
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 40,
        year: '1952'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 32,
        year: '1956'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 34,
        year: '1960'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 36,
        year: '1964'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 45,
        year: '1968'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 33,
        year: '1972'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 34,
        year: '1976'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: null,
        year: '1980'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 83,
        year: '1984'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 36,
        year: '1988'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 37,
        year: '1992'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 44,
        year: '1996'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 37,
        year: '2000'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 35,
        year: '2004'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 36,
        year: '2008'
        medalType: 'Gold Medals',
        count: 46,
        year: '2012'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 19,
        year: '1952'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 25,
        year: '1956'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 21,
        year: '1960'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 26,
        year: '1964'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 28,
        year: '1968'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 31,
        year: '1972'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 35,
        year: '1976'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: null,
        year: '1980'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 60,
        year: '1984'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 31,
        year: '1988'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 34,
        year: '1992'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 32,
        year: '1996'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 24,
        year: '2000'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 40,
        year: '2004'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 38,
        year: '2008'
        medalType: 'Silver Medals',
        count: 29,
        year: '2012'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 17,
        year: '1952'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 17,
        year: '1956'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 16,
        year: '1960'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 28,
        year: '1964'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 34,
        year: '1968'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 30,
        year: '1972'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 25,
        year: '1976'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: null,
        year: '1980'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 30,
        year: '1984'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 27,
        year: '1988'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 37,
        year: '1992'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 25,
        year: '1996'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 33,
        year: '2000'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 26,
        year: '2004'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 36,
        year: '2008'
        medalType: 'Bronze Medals',
        count: 29,
        year: '2012'
  xField: 'year',
  yField: 'count',
  seriesField: 'medalType',
  invalidType: 'link',
  axes: [
      orient: 'bottom',
      tick: {
        tickCount: 5

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;</br>

Result Presentation